You are here: Individual Return > Return > Capital Gains

topuptax - Individual Return - Capital Gains


In the Navigation pane click on Capital Gains 

Please read the HMRC document sa108-notes.

Next click on the Add button.

Capital Gains details

Next select the Asset Type, hit OK and enter the disposal details.

Checking the Claim or election tick box enables manual entries to be made in the Reliefs claimed and Seed EIS relief boxes.

If an estimate or valuation is used check the relevant tick box to ensure that boxes 8 and 20 on form CG1 and boxes 28 and 36 of form CG2 are completed as appropriate. It is advisable to attach to the return any documentary evidence supporting the estimates or valuations.

Checking the Qualifies for Entrepreneurs' Relief tick box copies the gain arising on this transaction to the Amount of gain qualifying for Entrepreneurs' relief box. It will be necessary to overwrite this entry if the figure exceeds the Lifetime Allowance (from 06/04/11 £10M). In any event the program will not save an entry in2017/18 where the amount of relief claimed exceeds £10M.

The program automatically records the number(s) of transactions for each type in box 16 of page CG1, and boxes 22 and 28 of form CG2. However there will be occasions (particularly  with disposals of listed shares and securities, perhaps from a stockbrokers printout) where you may wish to enter composite figures rather than many single transactions.

In this case simply enter the total sale proceeds and allowable costs and make a suitable entry in the Description box e.g. "As stockbroker's list/schedule". Next check the Number of disposals tick box and enter the number(s) of transactions in the relevant box(es).


Complete the calculations by making the appropriate entries in the Summary section. Note that those boxes completed by the program cannot be overwritten.

Entries made on the Additional Information area will be printed in box 36 on page CG2 of form sa108. Entries made via Comments are for information only and do not appear on the return or the supplementary pages. The first few words of additional information/comments appear to the right of the relevant boxes.


When no further entries are necessary check the Completed tick box in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Although doing this does not preclude further entries or amendments the online submission process will not proceed if there are unchecked boxes in sections containing data.

A small green tick in the relevant section on the left hand pane confirms that the Completion box is checked.

Notes   Helpsheets      
sa108-notes Capital Gains hs275 Entrepreneurs’ Relief hs290 Business Asset Rollover Relief
    hs276 Incorporation Relief hs292 Land and leases, the valuation of land
    hs278 Temporary non residents etc. hs293 Chattels and Capital Gains Tax
    hs281 Divorce, dissolution and separation hs294 Trust and Capital Gains Tax
    hs282 Death, personal representatives hs295 Relief for gifts and similar transactions
    hs283 Private Residence Relief hs296 Debts and Capital Gains Tax
    hs284 Shares and Capital Gains Tax hs297 Enterprise Investment Scheme
    hs285 Share reorganisations etc. hs298 Venture capital trusts
    hs286 Negligible value claims hs299 Non-resident trusts
    hs287 Employee share and security schemes hs301 Beneficiaries non resident trusts
    hs288 Partnerships and Capital Gains Tax    





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